Lake Imaging Access Area

As a gateway to Ridgeline Trail, Lake Imaging Access Area is a very popular spot for mountain bikers and equestrians. This lot is often full on the weekends particular in warmer weather.

Directions to Lake Imaging Access Area

From Crab Creek Road (Brevard/Hendersonville)

Turn south 2.6 miles on DuPont Road that turns into Staton Road to the Lake Imaging Access Area on the left.

From Cedar Mountain (US-276)

Turn north 2.5 miles on Cascade Lake Road past the Corn Mill Shoals Access Area. Turn right on Staton Road at the DuPont State Recreational Forest sign 2.7 miles past the High Falls and Hooker Falls Access Areas, to the Lake Imaging Access Area on the right.

Attractions Accessed from this Area

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