DuPont State Forest benefits our local economy.
Public lands, like DuPont State Recreational Forest, bring in $1.3 million in state and local tax revenue. In Western North Carolina visitors spend $83.3 million a year and residents annual spend $31.7 million on outdoor recreation.
Friends of DuPont Forest CARES for our world class trail system, PROTECTS the Forest and INSPIRES love for our public lands. JOIN us and be a VOICE for the Forest. We campaign for policies and investments that keep the water clean, the trails awesome, and the wildlife safe.
Sponsorship Levels
$5000 Level
- Logo on event announcements (25 events per year to 2000 email subscribers)
- One of five logos on homepage (100k+ visitors)
- Logo on Forest Festival t-shirt (1000 participants, 25 vendors, and 45 volunteers)
- Includes all benefits in $3k and $1k levels
$3000 Level
- Opportunity to include an article in our membership newsletter (6x a year with an average 60% open rate)
- Logo on:
- Trail Crew email iInvitations (24 times a year)
- Trash Bash email invitations (6 times a year)
- DuPont Forest Trail Updates (depends on the weather and trail work)
- Social media posts or videos on social media and website (combined 200k reach)
- Forest Festival Social media posts and ads (combined $200k reach)
- Includes all benefits in $1k level
$1000 Level
- Business logo and link on website and logo ub select print materials
- Volunteer opportunities for business groups or individuals
- Invitations to members only hikes and events (2+ events per month)
- Invitation for two to the Buck Forest Club dinner
- Forest Festival announcements (150k reach)
- Forest Festival schedule on
- Forest Festival poster (distributed in Hendersonville, Asheville, Greenville, and Brevard)
Friends of DuPont State Forest

Our work in DuPont State Forest would not be possible without the generous and ongoing support of our sponsors. Your support is crucial to our campaign for policies and investments that keep the water clean, the trails awesome, and the wildlife safe.