Friends of DuPont Forest is a non-profit organization that advocates for the preservation and enhancement of DuPont State Recreational Forest, a natural beauty known for its world-class trail system and waterfalls. We work to protect the forest’s natural resources, maintain the trail system, and promote outdoor education. With a team of dedicated volunteers, we invest in the Forest’s infrastructure, organize events, and campaigns for policies that support the Forest’s conservation.
What We Do

We CARE for the Trails
DuPont Forest has one of the best trail systems in the Southeast.

We PROTECT the Forest
Friends of DuPont Forest is a strong advocate for the Forest. From water quality to trails to public safety to wildlife, we campaign for policies and investment that protect and conserve the Forest.

We INSPIRE Love for Public Lands
We believe that outdoor education is an important aspect of conserving and protecting DuPont State Recreational Forest for generations to come.