INSPIRING Love for Public Lands
We believe that outdoor education is an important aspect of conserving and protecting DuPont State Recreational Forest for generations to come.
We share information about the resources and wonders of the Forest with the public via educational events, newsletters, kiosks, and the annual Forest Festival.
Get involved! Come to an event or join the Events Committee.
Annual DuPont Forest Festival
Held annually on National Public Lands Day, the DuPont Forest Festival is an event celebrating the adventure and beauty of DuPont State Forest.
The DuPont Forest Festival is a free, family friendly event open to the public with a mix of drop-in activities, demonstrations, group tours, and hikes, all perfect for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.
Our number one goal for the Forest Festival is to teach people to love the Forest. Along with having fun, the activities will weave in education about reducing impacts to the Forest, waterfall safety, trails that serve multiple types of recreationalists, and Forest conservation.
Educational Events
Our events committee organizes an impressive slate of members only events throughout the year including mushroom hikes, astronomy events, and history tours.
Share the Trails Campaign
Dupont Forest trails are used by hikers, biker riders, and equestrians. By knowing who to yield to everyone can enjoy a safe, fun outing.