Friends of DuPont Forest has long advocated for a Master Recreation Plan to ensure the protection of DuPont Forest well into the future. We are pleased to announce a contractor has been chosen to begin the important process of developing the plan and a vision for the future of recreation in the Forest
DuPont State Recreational Forest, the N. C. Forest Service (NCFS) and the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services have awarded the DuPont Forest Master Recreation Plan contract to Mattern & Craig, who will collaborate with IBI Consulting, C2 Recreation Consultants, and Terra Incognito Trail Consultants.
The recreation plan will make recommendations for recreational infrastructure improvements and trail system management. These recommendations will balance the current and future needs of the Forest’s diverse visitors while also protecting forest resources and natural communities. Mattern & Craig will develop the DuPont Forest plan using public involvement, research and direct observation of current use.
“When DuPont State Recreational Forest opened to the public in 1995, it included a system of inherited trails, roads and facilities that were not designed for our current level of visitation,” said Forest Supervisor Jason Guidry. “The plan will assess the current conditions for safety and sustainability and provide the agency with guidance for future recreation management.”
Funding for the Master Recreation Plan was set aside by the N.C. General Assembly in 2021. The state funds include $200,000 for the development of the master recreation plan and $550,000 for implementing the plan.
“This support will allow us to identify management solutions that protect our irreplaceable natural communities while providing financially sustainable and safe outdoor recreational experiences for the public,” Guidry said. “This type of planning is highly needed at DuPont as we adjust to ever-increasing popularity as a recreational destination.”